"Neighborhood" @七月/JULY in 上海
I'm pleasure to announce my exhibition in Shanghai. We hold the Artist Salon from 3pm on 15th of June. Please stop by, if you are in the neighborhood.
I'm looking forward to seeing you there.
○"Neighborhood" Ai Sugiura Exhibition @ JULY/ 七月
15th June, 2016 - 31st August, 2016
Address: 1818 Middle Huaihai Road, Complex #6 (near Wukang Road)
Address in Chinese: 上海淮海中路1818弄6号, 近武康路
Email: info@july-co.com
Phone: +86 21 33563606
○Artist Salon - "Neighborhood" Ai Sugiura Exhibition "
@ JULY/七月
Wednesday, 15th June, from 3pm.
Address: 1818 Middle Huaihai Road, Complex #6 (near Wukang Road)
Address in Chinese: 上海淮海中路1818弄6号, 近武康路
Email: info@july-co.com
Phone: +86 21 33563606