お土産と台座 / Souvenir and Shape
Souvenir and Shape(Bamboo Shoots Couple)
OMIYAGE(souvenirs figure), Wood, Oil stain
2021, Second02.
Photo : Ken Kato
Souvenir and Shape(HOTEISON)
OMIYAGE(souvenirs figure), Wood, Oil stain
2021, Second02.
Souvenir and Shape(Girl)
OMIYAGE(souvenirs figure), Wood, Oil stain
2021, Second02.
"Souvenir and Shape" is a series of works developed from the "Animal Figures / Souvenirs" project and was created in collaboration with the gallery Second 2..
People place things on a higher level to appreciate them. In decorating consciously, placing an object on a pedestal is similar to enshrining something. In simpler terms, it is a sign of respect for something important. Each figure has its background before coming to the house and may have been a sign of something special to someone. In this collaboration with Second 2., I thought of a time when the figurines which had been put on the antique market for some reason or another, must have been special to someone in the past. The figures came here suddenly, and I decided to create a special place for each figurine to stay to express that these became something special to me.
人は物を鑑賞するために、より高い場所に置く。意識的に物を飾るということは、何かを祀ることにも似ている。もっと簡単に言えば、大切なものに対する敬意の表れである。それぞれの置物は、この家に来る前までの経緯があり、誰かにとって特別な物であったのかもしれない。今回のGallery Second 2.とのコラボレーションでは、何らかの事情で骨董市場に出された置物が、過去に誰かにとって特別な存在であったはずの時を思い浮かべ、その置物が突然ここにやってきて、自分にとって少しでも特別な物になったということを表現するために、それぞれの置物のために居場所を作ることにしました。