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The Studio : project "Time"

My works are exhibited in the project "Time" at 草御殿 Ivy Palace in Taipei.


All is flux nothing stays the same. - Heraclitus

Every creative dinner experience surrounds a single concept. Our February event is about "Time" and the measurement of change, as told by our various artistic collaborators.

Our setting is Ivy Palace, a 1925 building in a quiet corner of Dihua Street. This building was once used for a rice import/export business but only recently refurbished as a creative space. The evening will be divided into 6 parts, with interjections of visual art, readings, film clips and story-telling about Dihua street.


February 1, 2 or 3​. Each night, 7-10pm

Location: 草御殿 Ivy Palace

Dihua St. Section 1, No.368


Private cuisine: by Un Arome Intime (一味私)

Visual Art: Curated by Taipei Contemporary Art Center

Artists include: Ai Sugiura, Tzuhuan Lin, Hojang Liu, Szu Han Chen

Photographer: Jimmy Yang

Produced: by THE STUDIO

Price: Wire transfer: 1,800 NTD

(or in person: 2,000 NTD)

*Price includes private cuisine prepared by two chefs and art performances. Drinks are at cost.

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